Marvin's revenge, PASTE. og Skitz

6. Februar får du en smak av ekte britisk hardcore, punk og alt rock, når Marvin’s revenge, PASTE. og Skitz inntar Teglverket. De tre bandene flyr inn fra England for å riste Kvarteret med tre høy-energi opptredener med inspirasjon fra blant annet doom, shoegaze og grunge. De tre bandene er relativt unge, men de har alle tre rykter på seg for å skape seriøst høylytte konserter i Nottigham. Dette er en mulighet du sjelden får i Bergen, så BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!
Marvin’s Revenge are an Alternative rock band originally from Wirksworth Derbyshire, but now based in Nottingham. Their sound has hints of The Jesus Lizard grunge fuzz, Pixies dark melodies, the hardcore explorations of Fugazi and, additionally, psychedelic desert-rock, but this is more than a simple nostalgia trip. Luke Eaton (bass and vocals), Job Gregory (drums) and Oliver Sammels-Moore (Guitar), They began 2023 by releasing their official debut EP, “Harry’s Redroom” and later in the year released their second EP, “VR Porn” which showcases their best material to date.
Founded in July 2021, Skitz Wizards started as an outlet for anger and resent fuelled by political and social unrest and personal frustration. Heavily influenced by hardcore, post-hardcore and classic punk, they’re distinguishable by their heavily distorted sound, use of 2 basses, no guitar, high energy live performances and an endeavour to provide cathartic relief.
"PASTE. are a band born in Nottingham, writing alternative rock with influences from a variety of subgenres. Bringing energy on stage akin to the hardcore scene, twinkly guitar melodies plucked from soft rock, and slow explosive sections ranging from doom to shoegaze, their live shows are something to look out for. As of now they have three singles released, each bringing a melancholy yet energetic feel with them.
Their debut album 'Start to Finish' releases on the 28th February."
Dørene åpner 21:00
Aldersgrense: 20 år (18 med studentbevis)